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Covid-19 Crisis

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the locations our homeless community has been using to stay warm during the day are now impacted by the mandatory closings.  This has created a huge challenge for our homeless to stay warm during the day when the temperatures are less than favorable. 

The Hope House would like to extend their hours to accommodate the needs of homeless men.  In order to do so, they need volunteers.  The shelter is currently operating with paid staff 9 pm-9 am and will continue to do so.  However, they need coverage during the listed days ahead.  According to the forecast, Thursday, March 19- Sunday, March 22 will be unfavorable weather conditions.  They are looking for trained volunteers to cover the following shifts for those 4 days:

8:30 am-12:30 pm

12:30 pm-4:30 pm

4:30 pm-8:45pm


If you know of others who would like to receive training in order to volunteer, there will be training sessions offered on Friday, March 20 at the Hope House, 10am-11am & 6pm-7pm.


To sign up for coverage or to register for training, please go to our website, register as a volunteer and locate the event you would like to sign up for.  It’s simple but impactful.

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