No-Bake Bake Sale
A No-Bake Bake Sale (NBBS) is exactly what it sounds like. No baking, no bowls or pans to wash, no selling or buying of baked goods, and no calories! Instead, we ask you to support the ministry of Hope House with your prayers and a financial gift, as if participating in a bake sale.
There are many needs in our community and with COVID-19"s pandemic, these have increased. Hope House, like many other existing community resources, is just as much in need for your continued support during this time. We, like many service organizations, expect needs may increase. We want to be here for our community. Consider how you are planning to use your COVID-19 pandemic relief funds, can they be shared or tithed? Perhaps you are still working and can share a part of that fund, one that would not make or break you. You, my community, have been given a gift. What will you do with it?
Hope House wishes to remain a viable resource and safe place for homeless men of our county. We only do this through your support and prayers. Hope House has used our 13 beds for 400 persons to equal use of those beds 4,065 times in only 541 days since our opening on November 3, 2018. These members of your community have seen successes in employment, sobriety, and housing, but some are still not there yet and need your help. So please indulge with us in our No-Bake Baking to help our brothers.
Please address your check to Hope House of Pickaway County, writing NBBS in the memo line and mail it by June 1st to:
Hope House of Pickaway County
PO Box 1071
Circleville, Ohio 43113
Or you can submit your support through our
Thank you in advance and we are praying for you too. God takes care of each of his children and asks us to care for one another as Christ has us. Keep praying and please share this with your congregations by any means of communication or even others you believe would participate. We are one community, one people, and one body of Christ.
Thank you for your support!
Hope House: A Beacon of Hope and Compassion